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Chassis Dynamometer 

State of the Art Performance Testing & Tuning Services


MotorCity Speed offers chassis dynamometer testing/tuning using the new Mustang MD-1100 AWD eddy current dynamometer.


The advantages of testing on a dynamometer with an absorber ( MD-1100 AWD ) compared to an inertia type of dyno are many. The key advantage is that on the MD-1100 AWD the dynamometer controls the vehicles. This allows for step testing and time sweep testing. On an inertia type dyno, the vehicle controls the rotation of the drum, resulting in an inability to perform step testing or have control of time seep testing. MD-1100 AWD can apply a precise load, equal to the weight and wind resistance of your vehicle. This is a must for proper tuning!


The MD-1100 AWD is a rugged piece of equipment used to apply a controlled load to the test vehicle that provides the ability to simulate actual road loads while the vehicle being tested remains in a safe controlled environment.  GM, Ford and Chrysler in their testing and development of various automotive systems and controls use this same dynamometer. Many NASCAR teams are now also using this same dyno as well.  The MD-1100 AWD enables Motor City Speed to measure horsepower, test drivetrain components, and drivability, conduct road tests and road/track simulations without ever leaving the facility.  The most popular service is the testing/tuning of high performance after-market components.  Conducting before and after (A/B) tests can tell exactly, within tenths of a horsepower, what the modifications have done.

The vehicle is put on the dyno and held down to prevent any movement during the test.  A parasitic test is performed in the appropriate gear and this number is held in the computer for any of the following tests to correct for the losses in the vehicle drivetrain, as well as the dyno itself (see parasitic explanation on next page).  As an example, for a horsepower/torque test, the vehicle is taken through a sweep from the desired start RPM to redline under full throttle.  At the end of the test, horsepower and torque vs. RPM graphs are generated as well as the raw data.


Motor City Speed also has the ability to take air to fuel ratio readings, logged vs. RPM, with a high quality NTK wide band O2 sensor accurate to 0.7%.  This data is shown on the screen, in real time, as the test is running and can also be graphed against any of the other variables in the test such as time or horsepower.

Two 0-5v inputs can also monitor fuel pressure and boost measurements with lab grade transducers for accuracy.


Mechanical Features of the MD-1100 AWD Dynamometer:


  • Dual DC Eddy Current Absorber provides frictionless infinitely variable loading

  • 2000 pounds of built-in mechanical inertia

  • Over 1800 rear wheel horsepower and 1000+ ft./lb torque capacity

  • Dual oversized rollers for maximum tire contact and stability in high horsepower applications

  • Direct mechanical connection between rollers for bi-directional testing (front-wheel drive)


The dynamometer can be rented per run, per hour or per day.

Mustang Dyno MD-1100 Eddy Current Load Bearing Dynamometer

The various tests that the MD-1100 is capable of are:


All wheel drive / 2 wheel drive mechanically linked drive wheel capabilities for all type of tests listed below


Parasitics: This test measures the parasitic losses of the vehicle as well as the mechanical systems of the dynamometer. The vehicle is run up to the highest speed it will attain during the test and put in neutral and allowed to coast down to a stop. By having the vehicle on the dyno, the Parasitics in the drive axle, transmission and tire/roll contact can be measured. During the test, the Parasitics in the dyno’s roll bearings while under load will also be taken into account. This is the most accurate way to test horsepower and correct for losses in the vehicle and dyno.


Manual Loading: A constant load percentage can be applied to the vehicle and is held steady regardless of the throttle position or speed/torque output.


Constant Loading (torque): This test allows a specified torque load value to be placed on the test vehicle. This value is kept constant regardless of vehicle speed or throttle position.


Speedometer Check: This test compares a known entered target speed value to the vehicle’s indicated speed. The test displays the actual speed as measured by the dynamometer, the measured error between observed vehicle speed and measured speeds, and the percent error between these two values.


Constant Speed: A pre-determined speed for the test vehicle is held steady by the dyno system despite what the torque output or throttle position is.


Constant Horsepower: This test maintains a constant system horsepower, independent of vehicle speed or torque output of the vehicle under test.


Vehicle Simulation Test: A load is placed on the test vehicle consisting of its equivalent weight, horsepower at 50 mph and required virtual inertia. This will simulate loads the vehicle would see on a flat, windless road under various throttle conditions. The constant tests and the simulation test are especially useful in the trouble shooting and diagnostics of a vehicle with drivability problems. These tests also simulate real world loading with the ability to vary the load as needed.


Horsepower Curve Timed Sweep: This test allows the generation of maximum power and torque profiles over a specified time sweep. This test is especially useful for obtaining horsepower and torque graphs for assistance in engine enhancements and modifications.


200 Yard Roll-On: This test consists of accelerating as hard as possible through a speed window that starts at a specific mph and ends when the vehicle has “traveled” the 200 yard distance. The system reports the maximum velocity obtained at 200 yards and the time required to cover this distance.


Quarter Mile Sprint: This test allows the simulation of a quarter mile run on the dynamometer. Time to distance and speed and speed at distances are provided as the test progresses. The times and speeds are reported for 60 foot, ¼ mile, 100, 200, 300 and 400 yard distances.


Passing Acceleration: This test simulates passing acceleration from one indicated speed to another (i.e. 40 to 60 mph). At the end of the test the time to speed and the distance at speed are reported. This test is useful to see changes in acceleration on modified vehicles.


Standing Start Acceleration: This test will time simulated standing start acceleration to the specified top speed (i.e. 0 to 60 mph). Time to speed and distance traveled are displayed after the test is completed.


Emission Tests including ASM 50/15 and ASM 25/25. Static (Step) Speed and Torque: The static step tests are for testing a vehicle for speed or torque figures over a given time in a step-up or down configuration. The test is programmed so the loading (torque or speed) is applied over a specified duration before it moves up/down to the next setting. For example, the dynamometer would control the load for five seconds, then move to a new load value and control that for five seconds, then continue on to another load value for a given time period, and so on. This happens as the vehicle is held at max output with the computer controlling the steps of the program. During these time dwells, the test vehicle has an opportunity to stabilize so a more accurate static reading can be taken. Any of the eight values on the main screen can be read when the test stabilizes during the time dwell as the test progresses.


Programmed Torque Profiles: This test functions as explained above with torque vs. time values.


Programmed Speed Profiles: This test functions as explained above, but with speed vs. time values. The speed profile is especially useful if it is used to simulate on-track conditions for a road racing vehicles running at maximum output. The speed settings can be ramped up and down over specified time periods to replicate the corners and straights of an actual course.



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